This is an older cookie recipe from back when coconut oil was a bit new to me. I was so excited about trying it a took a picture of the jar. It was $7.99, which I thought was expensive. I used it in a recipe for Coconut Oil Peanut Butter Cookies and took some notes.

According to my brief and not very thorough research on coconut oil, its health benefits are numerous and we should be eating it every single day. Still, I’ve had a hard time getting myself to spend $7.00 on a jar of fat, and if it weren’t for my curiosity as to whether I could make coconut oil peanut butter cookies, I might not be the proud owner of a jar of Spectrum Organic Coconut Oil.

Cookie Notes
Coconut Oil Peanut Butter Cookies taste good and have a light and crispy (slightly addictive) texture. I rolled them in honey roasted peanuts and coconut, but you can also roll them in salted peanuts & coconut or just plain peanuts. The peanuts are pretty important to the overall great texture of the cookie so I wouldn’t leave them out. As for the coconut, if you skip the step of rolling the cookies in shredded coconut you will barely, if at all, taste the coconut oil in the cookies.
Thumbs up to coconut oil in cookies. Now where else can I use it? In the kitchen, I mean...although it does say you can use it on skin.
Coconut Oil Peanut Butter Cookies
½ cup 4 oz (114 grams) coconut oil
½ cup (140 grams) peanut butter -- (note: peanut butter weighs more per ½ cup)
½ cup (110 grams) brown sugar
½ cup (96 grams) granulated sugar
1 large egg
¾ teaspoon (3 ml) vanilla extract
½ teaspoon (2 ml) baking soda
¼ teaspoon (1 ml) salt
½ cup (57 grams) cake flour
½ cup (67 grams) all purpose flour
¾ cup lightly salted peanuts, chopped (use more or less to taste)
⅓ cup shredded sweetened coconut
Cream coconut oil, peanut butter, and both sugars together in a mixing bowl. Add eggs and vanilla and beat until combined. Beat in the vanilla, followed by the soda and salt – make sure there are no lumps of stray soda. Stir in the cake flour, then stir in the all purpose flour. Chill the dough for about an hour.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a couple of cookie sheets with parchment if you want.
Mix together the chopped peanuts and coconut and lay on a flat surface.
Shape dough into 1 inch balls and roll the balls in peanut mixture. Arrange 2 inches apart on parchment lined cookie sheets and press down slightly so that tops of flat. Bake for 13 - 15 minutes or until lightly browned around the edges. The centers may seem a bit underdone at this point, but they will firm up. Let cookies cool on the pan 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
Makes 24 large cookies.
Finn says
Hey, I've had White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies made with added sweetened shredded coconut, and they were AWESOME. White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies made with coconut oil instead of butter would probably be amazing too, right?
B-Girl says
Just be sure if you skip rolling them in coconut that you let people know there is coconut oil in them if sharing them around. Most people expect cookies to be made with butter. Coconut allergy is not as common as peanut allergy, but can be just as dangerous. I have several friends that are allergic to coconut, one on the "rush her to the hospital if she eats it" level, the other ones just get bad hives.
Anna says
Heh, maybe I should stop putting 1/4 cup on my cereal every morning ;).
CookieMonster says
Ooh, ultimate PB cookies! On a side note, coconut oil contains over 90% saturated fat and the American Heart Association suggests not eating it much... may be worth doing a little research to see if they the opinion has changed. Regardless, these will be made!
Mitch says
Thank you for this lovely recipe. Just made these cookies and they are delicious!
Heidi says
I found this - maybe you need the Babycakes cookbook. 😉
Martha says
LilSis - has a long shelf life and is fine stored at room temperature. Like Judy mentioned, it is reported to have loads of health benefits.
I took a whole foods cooking class a while back and the instructor was a big advocate of using coconut oil for both cooking and baking. She explained that you can replace butter, shortening or margarine with three-quarters the amount of coconut oil when baking to obtain the same results.
I think it would be a natural replacement in any recipe calling for coconut, macadamia nuts, bananas and other tropical ingredients.
judy oleary says
Coconut oil is healthy--it has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties--but you have to use UNREFINED oil to reap the benefits.
Try NUTIVA brand.
Also, to learn more about the benefits of coconut oil, google "Benefits of coconut oil"
Natalie says
A 1/2 Tbsp or so is delicious in a smoothie! I love it with vanilla protein powder, blueberries and bananas. It makes it a bit creamier and adds just a bit of flavor.
Anna says
Hi Jacquie, I guess I got a little carried away with the scale. 4 oz coconut is about 1/2 cup.
jacquie says
i don't have a scale. any idea of what 4os. comes out to in measuring instruments? owr would you highly suggest weighing everything?
Anna says
I haven't made Indian food lately. Good idea!
pral says
Coconut Oil is used for cooking in India, esp in Kerala where most of the cooking is done using Coconut Oil. If you like Indian food, you could have a look at them too.
Also, coconut oil is good for skin and hair. says
You twisted my arm....Love anything with peanut butter anyway.
aTxVegn says
I have coconut oil, but I won't use it unless it's for a really special recipe. I think these qualify. I'll be trying this recipe soon.
BigSis says
Hey Anna, I've used coconut oil in the agave oatmeal cookies I posted about, and they came out great.
Along with flax seeds, I put a spoonful of it into my smoothie every morning. I've heard it's good for your metabolism, and hormonal issues for women like night sweats. LilSis, it's liquid at room temperature, and doesn't need refrigeration. I think it would last a long long time. I've even used it to fry an egg, but that was a little too weird for me...coconut flavored eggs?!
Irma says
Great blog! 🙂
I adore cook cookies (and cakes, and pies, and so on...).
best regards from Italy
PS I link you in my blog 🙂
clumbsycookie says
Coconut oil is also so expensive here! I love the look of the cookies and can only imagining the taste and texture! I remember a while ago Emily (sugarplum) did a ccc using it and it also looked very good. So maybe coconut oil will be the new butter!
Rosemary says
My husband is allergic to butter, so I use coconut oil instead for my baking - and it is a winner. You should try making a chocolate cake and substitute the butter for coconut oil - really great, you'll never look back!
kara says
A friend of mine made us breafast the other day and "fried" her pancakes in it. It was delicious, and they cooked really evenly!
LilSis says
I keep forgetting to buy me some of this! The cookies look awesome. Does the coconut oil last a while if refrigerated or does it expire quickly?
Anna says
Emily, you can have a real judge judge your peanut butter cookies. Send in a bunch of recipes and find out which he likes best ;).
Dorothy, thanks for validating that it works. I like the idea of putting it on my skin, but I have angry pores. Most everything I put on my skin these days comes from the dermatologist. Still, I like the idea of coconut oil.
Cindy, let me know how that works. I know Jenny (Picky Palate) has used coconut oil in chocolate chip cookies.
Katy, your son must be a great cook.
Veg, thanks for the tip. I will check out Ricki's blog.
Stephanie, what brand of coconut oil tastes so good you can spread it on a muffin?
Rebecca, I think we have a couple of Indian stores but none near me. Bummer.
Shar, Jenny uses it in a lot of things.
Gloria, that looks like a good link. Thanks!
Sue, I think it's time you opened it.
Therese, I think the people at Coco Lopez like your style. I'm not even sure what's in coconut cream.
Nicole, maybe I'll try it in my hair.
Beth, I can't eat popcorn but if I could I would pop it in coconut oil. I might try frying tortilla chips in it.
Rina, I don't want Fuzz's hair to get any thicker.
Katrina, this should be a fun ingredient.
I might try it in a soft ginger cookie recipe I that normally calls for shortening.
I hope some of the health claims are true.
K, my hair is dry too.
K says
I use coconut oil in cooking, but mostly I use it on my skin and hair (very dry). It absorbs really quickly.
Katrina says
That is too funny, Rina.
The cookies look great, can't wait to try them sometime with the coconut oil I bought last week!
Rina says
Don't mom used to put coconut oil in my hair when I was young because she was convinced it would make my hair thicker. Fuzz beware!
beth says
I use it for popping popcorn on the stovetop.
Nicole says
I've used coconut oil in some vegan cupcakes. You can also use it as a substitute for shortening in some recipes - I did that in a pinch for a frosting recipe. Tasted yummy but was just a little softer.
I've also heard of using it in your hair, but I haven't tried that yet.
One jar seems to last for a long time.
I'll definitely be trying this recipe soon - yum!
Therese B. says
I have heard that a glass or two of red wine is good for you too!
I know my hubby takes some type of fish oil gel caps. He had high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Would it suffice to say...coconut creme for Pina Colada's would work too?
Now I have that silly Escape, Pina Colada song in my know it...if you like pina colada's and a walk in the rain..if your not into yoga...I am into champagne!
tee hee!
Sue says
Those cookies sound great! I bought some coconut oil a while back and haven't used it yet. I will keep these in mind when I get around to using it!
Heidi Swanson at 101 Cookbooks has some recipes that use coconut oil.
Gloria Seales says
I just did a quick google search for recipes with coconut oil and came up with this links. I have not checked them out.
shar says
Hey Anna,
I read the Picky Palate blog and she began using coconut oil in baked goods this last year. You can check out her posts for ideas.
Rebecca says
If you have any Indian grocery stores in your area (we have lots in CA) you can find multiple brands of coconut oil there for much less than at the regular grocery store or at Whole Foods.
Stephanie says
I love coconut oil on my English muffins instead of butter.
Vegyogini says
You can use it in the kitchen in any way you would normally use other oils (olive, canola, etc.). Ricki Heller's new cookbook, Sweet Freedom, uses coconut oil in most recipes, so her blog might have some useful recipes to peruse. 🙂
Katy says
My son, a vegan, uses coconut oil in both sweet and savory cooking. He says it's fantastic in risottos, curries, soups.
CindyD says
You've started me about making the olive oil chocolate chip cookie with coconut oil?
DessertObsesseed says
i love using coconut oil on my skin; you should try it!
Emily L. says
My boyfriend works for a judge who absolutely loves peanut butter cookies. I have a feeling I will be making them a lot this summer (I made them once already, apparently the judge ate 1/2 the batch instead of lunch!). It will be good to try a new variety.