Since sampling their brownies at the Sunset Valley Farmer’s Market, I’ve had my eye on this company called Treasured Earth Foods, a small family company who make nutritious baked goods in a commercial kitchen and sell them in a booth on the north end of the market.

We go to the Sunset Valley market all the time, but I didn't know about Treasured Earth until I got an email from a reader who’d tried one of their brownies. She couldn't remember the name of the vendor, only that they made these excellent brownies made with vegetables. So on our next trip to the market we hunted down the booth, spoke with the Mr. Treasured Earth (Mrs. Treasured Earth was home baking more brownies) and mentioned we'd heard how good their brownies were. Mr. Treasured Earth seemed genuinely happy to hear word was getting around.

What’s amazing is the brownies are made almost entirely of wholesome ingredients The label says agave nectar, sweet potato, egg white, walnuts, cocoa, carrots, beets, pumpkin, celery, spinach, garbanzo bean flour, arrowroot flour, vanilla, cream of tartar and salt. So they aren’t vegan, but they are wheat free. I've discovered they also freeze very well, so if you buy a package you can keep it around for a while if you just want an occasional treat.
So if you happen to find yourself at the Sunset Valley Farmer’s Market (a must-visit place if are in Austin for the weekend!) check out their booth.
I've been following their web page and it looks like they are finally taking orders for selected products. I don't see an order form for the brownies quite yet, but you could try to place on anyway.
Anna says
I agree! Treasured Earth products are amazing.
Sharon says
I tried the chocolate Kikas and brownies and could not believe how ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS they are!!!!!! Who would have thought that a helping of vegetables could taste better than the most sinful dessert?!!! No one would ever be able to guess that these chocolates are made from fresh veggies. In fact, this is the first time in my life I've preferred the taste of a health food over the taste of cake or ice cream. These products are truly revolutionary (and guilt-free)!!!
Amber G. says
Not to clog your comments with spam but I interviewed the founder of Treasured Earth Foods on my food blog, Austin Appetite. Check it out!
Barbara says
This looks right up my alley! i'll have to check out the market next weekend!
Amber G. says
This looks like a really interesting idea and I am intrigued to find out more about their company. Hopefully I will be able to speak with the founders and post about it on my group food blog Austin Appetite (you will see me posting frequently on this site because I also cover the baked goods beat). Thanks for the great post!
Angela says
I'm so glad that you posted this, Anna. Those brownies are amazing! I still haven't gotten around to playing with those recipes yet, but I think I will for my friend's birthday next weekend.
Katrina says
Wow, that's a lot of vegetables! And they taste good, huh? Celery? Are they of a low fat, cakey texture?
Jessica says
ooooooooh my gooooosh!!!!! these look SO amazing!!! Do you think you could try to replicate the recipe?!??! If anyone can, you can! haha! 🙂