Picking Golden Oreos over regular was an unusual choice, but I was craving vanilla and put a bag in the grocery cart last week. I'd tried them before, but had forgotten just how light-textured and buttery/vanilla tasting they were. Still, I felt a little guilty about choosing packaged cookies over homemade and decided to use them in Golden Oreo Cupcakes.

Small Batch
There are a few Golden Oreo Cupcakes recipe out there, but this one is different because it makes a very small batch. If you need a quick cupcake fix and have some Golden Oreos around, maybe this recipe will come in handy. The kids loved them! I'm not sure they even noticed the little chunks of Oreo inside the cake, but they loved the big Golden Oreo sticking out of the middle of the frosting.
Golden Oreo Cupcakes
½ cup all-purpose flour (63 grams)
¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar (75 grams)
⅛ teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons regular salted butter (28 grams)
¼ cup milk mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice or buttermilk (56 grams)
½ teaspoon vanilla
1 large egg yolk (18 grams)
2 Golden Oreos, broken into pieces
4 tablespoons butter, softened (56 grams)
1 ½ to 2 cups confectioners’ sugar (180 to 240 grams)
2 tablespoons milk or 1 tablespoon milk and 1 tablespoon cream (if you have some)
½ teaspoons vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line 4 muffin cups with paper liners.
Combine the flour, sugar and baking soda in a small mixing bowl. Add the softened butter and mix it around to coat the flour mixture. Mix together the milk, vanilla and egg yolk and add half of the milk mixture to the flour mixture. Using low speed of a hand held mixer, beat just until mixed, then add remaining milk mixture and beat for one minute or just until smooth. Mix in the Oreos.
Divide evenly among 4 muffin tins and bake for 22 minutes or until set. Let cool and frost with vanilla icing.
Icing: Mix butter and confectioners’ sugar Add milk and vanilla. Beat until mixed, then increase speed of hand mixer and and beat until smooth and creamy, adjusting with more sugar or more milk as needed.
Makes 4
Gloria says
I went out and purchased one, two, no three packages of Golden Oreos so far...I just finished one row from the latest package. I wish I had never seen this post!!! 🙂 Will need to try the cupcakes.
Piano Schoenhut says
Golden Oreo cupcake sounds great! This will be a perfect treat for my kids when they got good grades on their last exam on Monday.
Rose Gold says
Wow. This is amazing. But I like it if that oreo biscuit is chocolate flavor. LOL.
Louise says
I think the cupcake sticking to the liner problem is that the cupcake is slightly overbaked. It doesn't take much to cause that to happen. Remember that they continue to bake when they come out of the oven and are sitting on the rack to cool.
Mackenzie@The Caramel Cookie says
Mmmm golden Oreos are delicious :). It's nice that these make a small batch!
Anna says
Small Batch Baking is a book that's been around for a few years so you can probably get a good deal on Amazon. It's got quite a diverse selection of recipes and the ones I've tried have been good. I especially like her chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter cookies. The new book, Small Batch Baking for Chocolate Lovers, is even better. Aside from having a chocolate focus, I think the recipes are a little better. The brownies were better and the small layer cakes (I tried the red velvet one) seem a little better. But yes, they're definitely fun books.
Jess @ Bakericious says
I have not seen any golden oreo at my side yet, looks great!
Tianne says
what do you tihnk of that book? i was looking at it contemplating getting it the other day. the cupcakes look phenom!
Anna says
Christie, I don't have that problem with cupcakes sticking. Maybe someone else has a good solution since it seems to be a common issue. One thing I do not do is spray the cupcake pans or the liners. I leave everything plain and fill the cupcake cups about 2/3 full depending on the recipe. I also loosen the cupcakes from the pan after about 5 minutes rather than let them sit and cool completely in the pan.
Darlene says
Christie, I would like to hear the solution to your problem also, as I have found that foil cupcake liners are the only way to prevent sticking. Some of the paper ones are so pretty, but I always lose a good portion of cupcake sticking to their surface.
Christie says
Love the new design! Can you help me solve a problem? Made some chocolate cupcakes this weekend and they stuck to the paper and were a miss to eat! Any ideas what caused this? I was trying to make a hostess cupcake "copy". Do you have any suggestions for a light fluffy filling other than "flour frosting"?
Joanna says
This recipe looks amazing! Maybe next Christmas I should make these with the Peppermint Candy Cane Oreo they sell!
Jan says
I repeat...I love your new look. I do miss the the option of seeing the previous days post (forward and back) at the top so I could refer back and also see any updated comments after I logged off. Thanks for a great blog!
Katrina says
Have you tried the Oreos that have one side vanilla and one side chocolate?
CaSaundra says
I love regular Oreo cookie cupcakes so I bet these would be great!!
Helena says
I would really love to try these, but sadly they don't have golden oreos over here 🙁
Gloria says
I have not tried a Golden Oreo cookie yet, but I will now! Do you think if I doubled the recipe and baked it in a 8x8 pan it would come out ok? I'm trying to adapt recipes to make it easier for me to bake.
Michelle says
Those look REALLY good. I like how you scaled down the recipe--that way I won't be tempted to eat as many! 😉
Amy @ What Jew Wanna Eat says
What a pretty cupcake! I will have to try this out. P.S. I like the new font on your blog.
vanillasugarblog says
that sounds good! i love using those golden oreo's in baking.
Sue says
The recipe you based these on is one that I love. I buy very few packaged cookies but I have to say I love Golden Oreos. If I buy cookies it's either those or regular Oreos. What a great idea to put them in cupcakes! Which frosting did you like best with these?
Darlene says
Great looking small recipe - enough to satisfy a craving, and I like the idea of small chunks of Golden Oreos in the batter.