Vegan Oatmeal Cookies are from VegWeb where they were originally posted by someone named Satan. At the time I thought it was pretty funny. It looks like VegWeb has gone and changed it and it now just says posted by Admin.
The good news is it's still there. This is a classic recipe for vegan oatmeal cookies and a good way to use up some overripe bananas.

In this case, the banana takes the place of the eggs, so if you know someone with an egg allergy, you can bake them a batch of these. The texture is good -- kind of cakey, but not too much. They're a little on the sweet side, so you might want to add some toasted pecans (like I did) to tone down the sugar. Don't cut down the amount of sugar, because that will mess up the fine balance of ingredients in the cookie.
Chocolate chips are a fine addition.
I will update the photo soon.
Emily says
Gotta show my love for this recipe. Every time I make them, they're a big hit. Chewy, tasty, moist, wholesome, awesome cookies!
TeamJewel says
You are so funny. I loved your opening line! My daughter and I are about to make a batch right now! Thanks!
niina says
Satan's recipe includes the instruction "Rip off a chunk to see it it is still raw." Very devilish, indeed.
Tatiana says
I have a very similar recipe, (with less sugar) on my vegan blog, check it out: Awesome Vegan Girl
Stella says
This was a great, healthy cookie recipe. I made them two nights ago, and they are still delicious. Only thing is I had to add about five tablespoons of water to even be able to manipulate the dough and add all of the flour and oats.
I also agree with Val that the banana is really good, but is strong and somehow off sets the cookie from a traditional oatmeal cookie.....??
Kim says
I made these yesterday for a vegan friend's birthday. I did decrease the brown sugar a bit, as well as adding 2 TB of ground flax seed and a half-cup of golden raisins. They came out great!
Our ultra-picky 16 year old even ate them without complaint, and that is definitely saying something!
Thanks for the recipe, Satan!
Anna says
Thanks for the review!
s. barker says
Very, very good. Tastes a bit like banana bread, and satisfies any sweet tooth! This recipie is definately going into the favorites file.
Anna says
Val, we could call them "The Best Vegan Oatmeal Banana Cookies Ever". Claire, glad at least some of them worked out for you.
Claire says
I made these yesterday. The ones that I didn't forget about were good. I keep forgetting to put my timer downstairs and can't figure out how to work the timer on the microwave; so, I just estimate. That didn't work so well yesterday!
val says
I made these and didn't add the water. they are very good. nice and chewy (mine weren't cakey) with a crisp outer shell. and they keep well. the banana flavor is very strong and deepens as they sit, so I wouldn't call these the "best oat cookies" ever. that makes you think you are getting an oatmeal cookie. these are too banana-y to be in the class of a traditional oatmeal cookie.
Anna says
Steph, link away!Joanna, I am interested in trying a few more tofu-based recipes, but just haven't gotten around to it. Applesauce is iffy. Sometimes it works well, sometimes it doesn't. The banana was great, but it does give the cookies a banana flavor.
JoAnna says
the satan jokes were quite funny. the cookie sounds delish tho! I often use applesauce to replace oil, and tofu to replace eggs, so to hear that the banana thing surprised me.keep baking!
Steph Bachman says
Hilarious post! You made my morning. Satan's batter needs water because cooking in hell - HA!I hope you don't mind if I link to you today.
Anna says
Hi RG!I am glad to hear Satan's cookies came in handy for you. I didn't even realize they were low in idodine, but that's great.A friend tried some of the ones I made yesterday and said she thought they were the best cookies ever. Maybe Satan's original title for the recipe is appropriate.
radioactive girl says
I made these today. You are awesome! I am on day 6 of my low iodine diet (I had thyroid cancer and am preparing for a scan...long story, visit my website if you actually want to know, otherwise don't worry about it, just know it is very difficult, as almost all foods have iodine in them) and was having trouble finding cookies that did not contain forbidden ingredients. These did perfectly! Mine were a touch dry until I added a tiny bit of extra water, but I am wondering if humidity makes a difference in that.
Anna says
G, maybe the he had a viking stove hidden up in the branches of the tree. Ms. Chevious, kudos to you for actually clicking the link and reading Satan's recipe. When I read it, I imagined taking a machete to a banana. That would do the job, right? But if he's Satan, he would have probably would mashed it with a pitchfork.
Gigi says
Boy...all this time we thought Eve tempted Adam with an apple. Maybe it was really an apple cobbler!
Ms. Chevious says
Hmmm..."mashe'd banana"...sounds vaguely french, or maybe a little kinky...